QUESTION TO ANSWER Is this happening client or server-side...? GOAL: 1. do not allow files to be uploaded. 2. stop server from executing scripts. 3. validate the MIME type already configured if possible. TO CHECK: 1. It is happening locally or not, open dev tools and check network tab for interactions. 2. Burpsuite is your best friend here, inspect all requests. 3. Be aware of file extention > content type > magic bytes 4. Test all previous options. PHP: .php | .php1 | .php3 | .phtml IMG: .img | .png | .jpeg PLAINTEXT: .txt To try: 1. Change filename extention. 2. Change content type. 3. Add the webshell to the content, sample, image. [jpg, png, etc] SAMPLE POST REQUEST ------WebKitFormBoundaryiL3FsJfTWvA7Aw9B Content-Disposition: form-data; name="avatar"; filename="me2.php" Content-Type: image/jpegLOCAL FILE INCLUSION
DESCRIPTION: Collection of tools/commands to use when testing for local file inclusion vulnerabilities. LFIREMOTE FILE INCLUSION
DESCRIPTION: Collection of tools/commands to use when testing for remote file inclusion vulnerabilities. RFI :::: VIA PATH TRAVERSAL NOTE: Basicaly the techniques used when attempting path traversal can be used. 1. Encoding works! 2. Path traversal techniques. :::: EXTENSION BLACKLIST BYPASS
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